Fleet Safety/Vehicle Accidents
Let’s discuss the importance of following the JJW fleet policy and procedure specifically the do’s & don’ts of the policy.
Prohibited Practices:
The following practices are a short list of prohibited activities governing the operation of Company owned/rented vehicles
- Use of a company vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants or drugs is forbidden and is cause for immediate termination of employment. No driver shall operate a company vehicle when his/her ability to do so safely has been impaired by illness, fatigue, injury or prescription medications. Medical clearance from your physician evidencing your ability to drive will be required.
- With the exception of emergencies and test driving by mechanics only Authorized Employees are permitted to operate company owned/rented vehicles.
- Only Company employed personnel are permitted to ride in company vehicles.
- Any Communications devices that are not hands free are strictly prohibited while operating a company vehicle. Operators are to pull into a safe parking area to continue non-hands free communications, road shoulder is not acceptable.
- Equipment/Material that would exceed the vehicles capacity is prohibited.
- Smoking in Company Vehicles is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
Committing any infractions listed above, as listed in the Company Fleet Safety Policy, or disobeying any State law or facility’s driving regulation will result in disciplinary actions which may include suspension or termination of driving privileges or even termination of employment.