Hazard Recognition
There are many things that we do each day before work begins, we receive our job task, gather tools and equipment and move to our work area. But another important thing each of us should do is to look at all the hazards in our work environment before beginning our task. You should continue to evaluate the job throughout the day for hazards that may have changed or occurred during the course of the day. Hazard should be corrected or eliminated before proceeding with the task at hand. If you cannot correct the hazard yourself, contact your foreman or the safety department.
A hazard is defined as a chance, a chance of being injured or harmed or a possible source of danger. Jobsites are filled with many different hazards whether it be the task you are performing, task others are performing around you, equipment, chemicals, heat sources or weather conditions. Hazards should be recognized and eliminated through engineering controls, administrative controls or personal protective equipment.