Pre-Lift Safety Reminders for Riggers
As you prepare to rig a load for a lift operation, perform some pre-task planning. Go over the following list of reminders before you start to rig the load. If you have any questions about any part of the lift operation, check with your supervisor before you get started.
- Check the weather conditions before the lift. If the weather is extreme, postpone the lift until the weather becomes cooperative.
- Make sure the system of communication you have in place with the operator is effective and is functioning properly.
- Check the lift area and load path for obstructions such as buildings, poles, towers, power lines, antennas, satellite dishes, etc.
- Also check the receiving area. Make sure it is firm, flat and free from loose objects that could fly up when the load is delivered.
- Always wear a hard hat and sturdy work gloves.
- Be sure that your work boots or work shoes have built in toe protection. It is especially important to have this protection when you are receiving a load. The boots or shoes should meet the requirements of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard F2413-05, formerly the American National Standards Institute’s (ANSI) Z41-1999.
- Whenever possible plan to rig the load so that it will be lifted straight up, which will help prevent the load from swinging.