Safety Attitude
All injuries are preventable. If we are going to prevent accidents, we must think about what we are doing, about the kind of accidents that might happen, and have a positive safety attitude. A good safety attitude begins with:
Knowing Your Job – what it involves and exactly how it should be done safely.
Knowing Your Tools – how to use them safely and how to spot unsafe, worn out, or damaged tools.
Knowing Your Safety Rules – they are designed to protect you from injury.
Knowing Your Responsibilities – to your family, employer, yourself, and your fellow workers.
Knowing Your Hazards – be alert to all potential dangers around you and your fellow workers.
Knowing Your Safeguards – learn what protects you, then use or wear the protective equipment provided.
Knowing Your Consequences – carelessness often causes pain — personal and financial. Be safe, not sorry.
Knowing Your Rewards – the advantages you gain by working safely.
Knowing Your Remedies – correct hazards before accidents occur.
Know Yourself – Recognize your limitations, reactions, and weaknesses. Never allow these to lead to unsafe practices or situations.
Know all you can about the job you’re doing, and always practice safety first.