Stop Work Authority & Communication
Today we will continue our discussion on Stop Work Authority & Communication. Our goal is to raise awareness of Stop Work Authority and improve our communication as it applies to safety. Today we will discuss what Effective Communication is.
There are four types of communication: Verbal, Non-Verbal, Written and Visual. In our business operations we use all four types of communication on a daily basis.
- Verbal is the most frequently used form, which we demonstrated in the exercise above. As you can see by taking a couple of seconds and adding a few words, the instructions became clearer and results were consistent.
- Non-Verbal Communications are actions that don’t require the use of words. Facial expressions, eye contact, body gestures and sounds are means of communicating without saying something. Smiling, rolling your eyes, crossing your arms and sighing are examples. In the safety world we have predetermined hand signals for signaling equipment that is also non-verbal communication.
- Written Communication is writing the words that you would like to communicate. Internal Memos, Emails, Reports, JHA’s and JSA’s are methods of written communication. Similar to verbal communication, you’re attempting to get information through to an audience or gather information. The one advantage with written communication is that you usually have an opportunity to review and edit it prior to releasing.
- Visual Communication is communicating through signs, pictures or videos. This can be effective if you want to reinforce messages through signs, or can control the group that you would like to see the message through a video.
Effective communication is the key to success personally and professionally. Having the ability to listen and give specific clear instructions will make others want to work with you or for you. Those who communicate well are likely to achieve the results they’re looking for on a specific task or project.