Line of Fire
To prevent Line of Fire incidents, each worker must understand there are 3 types of potential ways of placing one’s self in harm’s way. The first potential hazard is known as Caught-in, which is where a worker is caught inside or between two different objects (i.e. rotating crane and a fixed object). A second potential hazard is known as Struck by, which is when a worker could be struck by an object (i.e. falling object from an overhead work task). The third potential hazard is known as an Energy Releasedhazard, this occurs when a worker is in the path of Released Hazardous Energy (i.e. Steam Traps). So how do we minimize or eliminate these potential hazards? There are 7 prevention methods listed below which can be utilized to prevent Line of Fire incidents.
Prevention Methods
- Engineering Controls
- Conducting thorough pre-job analysis
- Thorough job planning
- Barricades
- Signs and other warning/labeling devices
- Shoring or sloping of excavations
If each work group utilizes these prevention methods on a daily basis, the potential of a Line of fire incident can be eliminated from the task at hand. If one of these methods is not followed, it greatly increases the potential for a Line of fire incident to occur. So by understanding the three types of potential hazards, and the prevention methods, each and every worker can work safer by eliminating the hazards prior to starting an assigned task.