Life-Saving Commitment #5: Fall Protection
Protect yourself against a fall when working at heights.
Use fall protection equipment to keep you safe when working outside a protective environment where you can fall 6 feet or more.
A protective environment includes approved scaffolds, stairs with handrails, aerial lifts or other equipment that provides a protective system.
You should:
- Have authorization and required training to work at heights outside a protective environment.
- Be aware of what fall protection equipment to use and how to use it.
- Be trained in the proper use of fall protection equipment and understand the total fall distance.
- Check equipment before using it.
- Always tie-off to an approved anchorage point when at height outside of a protective environment.
If you are the Supervisor or the person in charge of the work you should:
- Confirm that it is safe to start work at height.
- Confirm that appropriate measures have been taken to prevent falls.
- Review fall protection plan and communicate the plan to your employees.