Motor Vehicle Safety: Road Rage
There can be a multitude of factors that contribute to a motor vehicle accident. One single unsafe act or unsafe condition can be enough to cause an accident. Often times there are multiple unsafe acts and conditions that lead to a motor vehicle accident. One common unsafe act is taking part in “road rage” activities.
What is Road Rage?
Everyone has heard the term road rage and most people have probably experienced some degree of it while driving. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration defines road rage as when a driver “commits moving traffic offenses so as to endanger other persons or property; an assault with a motor vehicle or other dangerous weapon by the operator or passenger of one motor vehicle on the operator or passengers of another motor vehicle”.
Preventing Road Rage and Dealing with Confrontation
- Maintain adequate following distance.
- Use turn signals.
- Allow others to merge.
- Use your high beams responsibly.
- Tap your horn if you must (but no long blasts with accompanying hand gestures).
- Be considerate in parking lots. Park in one spot, not across multiple spaces. Be careful not to hit cars next to you with your door.
If you if find yourself dealing with an angry or an aggressive driver try the following:
- Avoid eye contact with angry drivers.
- Don’t respond with aggression towards the angry driver.
- If you feel you are at risk, drive to a public place.
- Use your horn to attract attention but remain in your locked vehicle.
- If you are confronted, stay as calm and courteous as possible.
- If you feel threatened, call 911.