Hazard Recognition
Purpose of Hazard Recognition
To make people aware of their role and responsibility for the safety of themselves and each other in order to empower them to minimize the number and severity of accidents and injuries on and off the job.
To be responsible and accountable for the safety of yourself and others.
It is the “What If” of accident prevention.
Basic Principles OF Hazard Recognition
What Are Hazards?
Any activity, procedure, plant, process, substance, situation or other circumstance that has the potential to cause harm.
Causes of Hazards
- Slip, Trip, & Falls
- Struck By
- Caught in Between
- Over Exertion
- Contact By/ With
Basic Principles of Hazard Recognition
- All employees have a responsibility to understand rules and associated hazards.
- Management is responsible to provide a workplace free from hazards.
- It does not take a professional to spot a hazard.
- Hazard recognition is a key element of “Doing the job safely and right the first time”
- Hazard recognition is much more than the required prejob walk down or crew review.
- This is something that is done every day and throughout the day.
Questions to Ask
- What job are you going to do today?
- What do I need to do this job and how will I do it?
- How can I get hurt?
- What am I going to do to prevent myself or others from getting hurt?
- What are the process hazards in my work area?
- Where are the evacuation points?
- These questions should be asked and answered every day.
- These questions should be asked any time the job or worksite changes.