Working Near High Voltage Energized Electrical Lines
What are the hazards? Bodily contact with electricity
What are the results? Electrocution, shock, fire, burns, falls or death
What should we look for? Overhead service lines, temporary service feeds to the construction project
How do we prevent these results?
□ Maintain a distance of at least 10 feet from energized powerlines
- Never use metal ladders while working near energized electrical lines
- Pay particular attention to the location of overhead powerlines when setting up ladders, scaffolding, and/or work platforms
Let’s talk about this site now.
- Where are the overhead powerlines on this site? Service drops to the project? Feeds for temporary electrical cabinets?
- Do you have to work in close proximity to the source? Can the line be de-energized or insulated?
- How do you know if an electrical line is energized or creates a hazard? Unless it is verified, always assume lines are energized. Stay at least 10 feet away. ALWAYS ASK QUESTIONS
This information has been developed by OSHA and its partners with the intent to assist employers, workers, and others as they strive to improve workplace health and safety. This information must be understood as a tool for addressing workplace hazards, rather than an exhaustive statement of an employer’s legal obligations, which are defined by sta