Pedestrian Safety
Looking Twice Is Good Advice!
Why is pedestrian safety important in the workplace?
Last year at a local refinery, a contract employee was crossing the street and was struck and knocked down by a vehicle that was traveling at 5 mph. The incident resulted in first aid treatment but it could have been much worse.
What can we learn from this incident to prevent it from happening at our sites and at home?
Tips for Drivers
- Be alert for pedestrians at all times.
- Be especially attentive in and around parking lots.
- Make eye contact with the pedestrian to assure they are aware of your presence.
- Pedestrians can be very hard to see – especially in bad weather or at night.
- When entering a crosswalk area, drive slowly and be prepared to stop.
- Stop for pedestrians who are in a crosswalk.
- Do not overtake and pass other vehicles stopped for pedestrians.
Tips for Pedestrians
- If possible, stay off roadways. Use walkways and crosswalks where provided.
- If you need to walk on a roadway, it is usually safer to walk facing road traffic.
- Make it easy for drivers to see you – think about wearing retro-reflective material at night. Keep a flashlight on you for dark areas.
- Be wary. Most drivers are nice people, but don’t count on them paying attention. Watch out – make eye contact to be sure they see you!
- Use extra caution when crossing multiple-lane, higher speed streets.
- Look left, right and left again before crossing. Watch for turning cars
- Remain alert! Don’t assume that cars are going to stop.
- Pedestrians must yield to all train traffic, you DO NOT have the “right of way” when crossing railroads.