It’s Not My Fault! Safety

It’s Not My Fault!

A responsible, conscientious person will say “it’s not my fault, but it’s my problem”

How many times have you heard a child (of any age) exclaim “it’s not my fault!” or “it wasn’t me!”?

Whether or not these statements are true is beside the point, what we are talking about is how we conduct ourselves and what image we project to those around us.

A responsible, conscientious person will say “it’s not my fault, but it’s my problem”.

These individuals identify themselves by their actions; they pickup that piece of garbage on the ground, they’re quick to lend a co-worker a hand or show them a better, safer way. 

Why? Because to these people, they see an opportunity every time a situation presents itself. An opportunity to eliminate a trip hazard, an opportunity to lighten the load for a co-worker.

They may not be a supervisor, but they lead by example, they answer to themselves.

When you hear “Ah…somebody’s bound to get that”, they are that somebody, for them there’s always something to do, always an opportunity.

When you get enough of these people working together you get a company of people that do the right things, follow safe work procedures, help and look out for each other and co-workers throughout the site.

They project an image of accountability and carry a reputation for getting things done and asking “what else can we help you with”.

If this sounds familiar, keep up the good work! I