Life-Saving Commitment #10: Cave-Ins
Do not enter an unprotected trench or excavation deeper than 5 feet
Cave-ins pose the greatest risk and are much more likely than other excavation incidents to result in worker fatalities. Other potential hazards include falls, falling loads, hazardous atmospheres and incidents involving mobile equipment.
Protective systems or practices are required on all excavations/trenches greater than 5 feet deep unless in stable/solid rock. Excavations/trenches greater than 20 feet deep require that the protective systems are designed by a registered professional engineer.
You should:
- Understand the various protective systems or practices that protect you from danger
- Understand the general safety rules that are required for all work in trenches and excavations
- Confirm with the Supervisor or Person in charge of the work that all applicable safety rules have been followed
- Confirm with the Supervisor or Person in charge of the work that it is safe to start work
- Know who the competent person is for the work in the trench or excavation
- Exit the trench when the trench box is being relocated or moved
If you are the Competent Person you should:
- Be trained and be able to identify existing and predictable hazards or conditions and be authorized to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate or control these hazards and conditions.
- Confirm that all employees entering the trench or excavation understand the general safety rules for working in the trench or excavation.
- Confirm that the appropriate safety systems or practices are in place.
- Conduct the required inspections prior to allowing employees to enter the trench or excavation.
If you are the Supervisor or the person in charge of the work you should:
- Confirm that all employees entering the trench or excavation understand the general safety rules for working in the trench or excavation.
- Confirm that the appropriate safety systems or practices are in place.
- Confirm that the Competent Person is on site and that the required inspections are conducted prior to allowing employees to enter the trench or excavation.
- Confirm that it is safe to begin work.