Line of Fire: Moving Machinery Safety

Line of Fire: Moving Machinery

  • Moving machinery can present various dangers. When working around any type of moving machinery, it’s important to understand the movement and the actions of the machine.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance to be sure you understand the various hazards presented by the machinery in your work area.
  • Many machine hazards can be controlled by guards, electric beams, pressure mats and other safety devices, but do not depend on them for your protection.
  • Often it is a combination of two mistakes that lead to an injury, such as the guard being removed and a hand being placed near the gears of a machine.
  • Remember, moving equipment has no brain, but you do. You must use it to avoid placing your body in the line of fire.
  • Don’t be fooled by parts that aren’t moving; a machine can start up at any time unless it has been properly shutdown and removed from service.
  • Even when you are controlling the action, having your fingers in the line of fire is an injury waiting to happen.