WHITING,IN- Throughout the month of March, Arts Alive, a non-profit organization, will be hanging art palettes from light poles to raise awareness and funds for the National Youth Art Programs.
Arts Alive’s mission is to “provide increased presence and awareness of the creative, performing, and visual arts to the Whiting-Robertsdale area.” They practice this mission by educating, displaying, and participating in the local arts community. This is meant to help kids learn an art while having fun in areas such as painting, crafts, music, and theater.
JJ White jumped at the opportunity to support this cause in the local community. As a construction company that employs many in the Whiting area, we want to support and strengthen the communities we work in. We like to say that we are more than just a construction company, but rather a helping hand in making a difference in our surrounding neighborhoods. By supporting this non-profit we are not only encouraging the youth to learn the arts, but also paving the way for generations to come.
The palettes include the local businesses and the individual’s names while all proceeds are donated to local youth programs. We’re proud to support this initiative in the Whiting community and will continue to look for ways in which we can help.