Ladder Safety: Electricity
When working with electricity or an electrical circuit or equipment, ladder safety should be observed. There are many different types of ladders, and they are made of different materials. Metal ladders should never be used when dealing with electricity. Always choose a nonconductive ladder.
Ladder Safety Basics
Step ladders are often used both for inside and outside electrical connections. Extension ladders allow the user to reach heights that step ladders cannot reach. Before climbing any ladder, some ladder safety basics should be considered. Level and secure footing, as well as securing ladders and locking safety arms, are essential. Overhead obstacles and a clear, debris-free area below and around the ladder base makes for a safe work area.
Lock the Ladder
Ladders should always be opened fully and the locking arms locked into place before climbing the steps. This is true for both step ladders and extension ladders.
Level and Solid Ground for the Ladder Base
Place a ladder on level working surfaces or level the area before attempting to climb the ladder.
Know the Climbing Limits
Never climb on the top or the next to the last step of the ladder. Never put yourself in a position where you have to stretch to reach what you are working on.
Foot the Ladder Please
Have a helper hold the ladder for support if at all possible. Having someone foot the ladder and hold the ladder from sliding is always a good safety practice.
Choosing the Right Ladder
Only choose ladders with the UL (Underwriter’s Laboratory) seal. Aluminum ladders are dangerous around electricity because they conduct electricity. Fiberglass ladders offer the best safety from electrical conductivity.
Tie Off Ladders for Safety
When using an extension ladder, tie off the top of the ladder. This keeps the ladder from sliding off of the edge of the wall or roof.