Dear Valued Vendor/Supplier:
Together with our customers, we’re all in on protecting our workers and their communities, so starting Monday March 23rd, JJ White, Inc. will only accept Contactless deliveries from all suppliers/vendors in all areas until further notice. Contactless delivery means that your driver will practice social distancing during the delivery process, allowing us to continue to purchase tools, equipment, supplies and materials as you have been providing to JJ White, Inc. under our purchase order service agreement.
Your driver contacts our point of contact at our job site for directions to our material lay down area, then your driver will place the order in our designated material lay down area, and leave any signature receipt paperwork in that location, step back 6 feet, and wait to be greeted by our designated receiving JJ White employee. From there, the designated JJ White receiving employee will execute all delivery material paperwork, step back 6 feet, and allow your delivery driver to retrieve their portion of the executed paperwork and leave in place our copy of same. Your driver may then exit the area.
Of course, not all deliveries will be able to be conducted in this manner depending upon the type of materials being delivered. In such cases, our site supervision will, in conjunction with our safety and risk management departments provide guidance for the specific delivery and work to minimize any inability to comply with the Social Distancing protocol.
If you have any questions, please give us a call at 215-722-1000 and ask for your purchasing contact.
Again, thank you for your understanding.