JJ White was selected to replace the old, existing Cooling Tower at Villanova University’s conference center. The old tower was inefficient and did not provide adequate cooling for the Chilled Water system. Guests at the conference center often complained of high temperatures.
The conference center remained occupied during construction, with guests in hotel rooms and frequent meetings. The cooling system had to remain functional while the old Cooling Tower, Pumps, Piping, and Controls were removed and replaced both mechanically and electrically.
Despite very warm days in the spring of 2016, the project was performed quickly and functionally by JJ White’s Jeff Fiedler. Quick system change-overs, shutdowns, and tie-ins based around the warmer weather were planned ahead to alleviate issues.
The newly installed system has dramatically improved cooling capacity and efficiency at the Conference Center. Guests now have the option to make their room as cool as they desire.